In this course you will learn about your:

✨ Incarnation Cross (Sun & Earth)

✨ Kiron





✨North Node

✨South Node

✨Bonus Section:

Mars, Venus, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto

Putting all of this information together can help you write the narrative of your soul, and really understand how the entirety of your chart connects to tell a story.

Our Most Popular Course

Join in on the self-discovery! This is our most popular course for a reason, it it sure to bring you wisdom and clarity about your design and soul story.

Guided WorkBook

Stay organized as you uncover details and insights related to your chart and soul purpose. This course includes a downloadable mini-workbook to help guide you through your narrative.


Learn about how the rest of the planets influence and affect your chart, and how can expected them to show up in your life.

Example Curriculum

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